Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Is man a lost cause?

Hi everyone,
The last two weeks, I have been thinking questions, what is wrong with man? What is wrong with the human race? Why do we keeping fighting? why do we hate each other so much? We cannot exist without each other, I see the human race as whole body with all its moving parts and organs, nerves everything. We co-existing and helping each other to progress to a higher self of realization. But some how a disease has taken over the body and contaminate its wonderful working parts. Causing all types of problems across the world. I believe the problem has manifested in mans thoughts and words and deeds. This problem is ancient and over done. I believe hatred and indifference has become a part of mans consciousness, that he does not know how to control it.

I feel at a loss most of the time. Because of the way we treat each other. The pain that exist in peoples hearts and minds is almost overwhelming. I still believe their are people in the world who are content, and being happy with who they are. I feel like I live in world of darkness, and great deal of sadness. I look very hard for a sign of light and joy, and peace. I look within myself I see it and feel it. I make great efforts to make others see the light and feel it. There are days it does not work. I wonder why people aren't living their dreams and enjoying life to the fullest? I wonder why we keep creating the same picture in our consciousness and playing the same scene in this world. Why we try to prevent the common man from living their dream, I see if people are living their dreams we wouldn't have time to create wars, or try to take over another country. We would be too busy creating what makes us happy and fulfilled. Working as a whole unit of peace, love and joy. What makes you happy? What gives you fulfillment? What gives you joy? You can realize yourself being in peace, joy, harmony, and happiness.

You may think I am crazy,or I dreaming. But i think that all of us should start looking within ourselves and look for what is causing our unhappiness our discontent.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Americans and our healthcare system

I do not understand Americans or America. I do not understand why Americans are fighting over this situation of healthcare, It boils down to pure utter greed. You have congress deciding our fate. We voted people into office to do a job for the American people, nobody is excluded if swine flu takes over the country, Nobody is immune rich or poor it kills!...Now this situation with healthcare has to do with the greedy little buggers in capital hill. Lobbyist have got their greedy nasty hands in the pot and want all from the American people, Your Blood America!. America wake up on both sides of the isles. We all pay taxes, and we all pay into Social Security, What does that mean America? It is more than about getting old and retirement, it is about healthcare medicare and the American family rich poor, old , young,married, single does not matter.

Get the bloody lobbyist out of the White House! get them out of Washington! Get rid of them.
If you talk to all your congress people, and the senate. You will find out where the deals have been made.We have been punked America! Sound for a dime on skid row! Deals have been dealt we've been screwed and didn't even feel it! I am a taxpayer just like every working American. I am a healthcare worker, I have seen patients denied top quality healthcare, because the patient couldn't afford the health insurance or didn't have health insurance, Patch em up and send them on their way. Thats the order from the charge nurse or doctor.

Is this what we want America? Americans are in such poor health and this health care system has lost it's sanity and reason. The lobbyist run this country, The insurance lobbyist are the biggest lobbyist in the country. America go to Capital Hill and march and demand a positive change, demonstrate your power America. Kick out all lobbyist! We have just paid to get insurance companies out of hock, we have been sold a crock of crap ...The American public has been sold and resold. Americans are still losing their jobs, and their homes due to very bad management and banks, and insurance companies.

Wake up American, We need and deserve Universal Healthcare, Those that don't think we do, are the ones that got paid big time. and they don't care if you live or die..What they want to do is get rid of all the old people, all the sickly people, useless people and nonwhite people. I ask who will clean off your tables rich folks. When you have killed off everybody..America,we live in a youth oriented society, Everybody wants to be young forever and nobody wants to die.

Those who have the money get all the Botox, Hope they don't get a bad batch of Botox. Then they will need insurance. But then again, they won't live that long to tell the story, but they will leave here as a beautiful corps, or looking like the Joker from Batman.

Now lets address those people who don't know jack about socialism and communism or don't know what it means..See I understand that a lot of Americans didn't get the history lesson or they couldn't read cause they had to work on dads farm, or something to that degree. Now it is time to know what the definition of Socialism, refers to various "Theories" of ECONOMIC organization, advocating, state public or common worker ownership and administation of the means of production and distribution of goods and EQUAL access to resources healthcare is the example here.

Modern Socialism originated in the late 18th century. However Socialism itself is NOT a Political System, Wake up America!

Socialism is a Economic system. It is a Economic SYSTEM. Distinct from CAPITIALISM!

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels used the terms "Socialism" and "Communism" interchangeably
and posited that it would be achieved via class struggle and proletarian revoltution.

Vladimir Lenin, Perhaps influenced by Karl Marx ideas of "lower class" and "upper stages of Socialism. Later used the word Socialism as a transitional stage between capitalism and communism.

Henri de Saint Simon, the first individual it coin the term Socialism, He was the original thinker who advocated Technocracy and industrial planning.

Socialist mainly share the belief that Capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth among a small segment of society that controls capital, creates unequal society..Sounds familiar America? it does not provide equal opportunities for everyone, their potentialities in society and does not utilize technology and resources to their maximum potential in the public interest. Does this sound like America? Wake up America! Is this the future of America? All those on the unemployment line, and those who lost their homes and losing their homes now.

The future of America can be this, Social advocate the creation of a society in which wealth and power are distributed more evenly based on the amount of work expended in production. We could be a Powerful America Again if we change our economic life. everyone would prosper, not just some or the few..but everyone! We all can have the best healthcare, and social programs, all our children and grand children and adults would get the best Education. we would no longer be at the bottom of the list.

Social Democrats- Propose selective nationalization of key national industries in mixed economies. Social Democrats, particularly in European welfare states, refer to themselves as Socialist introducing a degree of ambiguity to the understanding of what the terms means.

I find it so destuctive and corrosive the way America has let herself go..She is like an Alcoholic who has Cirrous of the liver, and no matter what intervention you give her, she continues to drink herself to death unil she hemorrages and dies. This is not the America I want, or what I pay taxes to. I love America, I believe we need Universal healthcare, Free education for all, Homes for all citizens. This would make America a more productive country, and we will continue to be Leaders of the free world. Fighting a war overseas to control a market isn't where it is at. We are bullies! You what happens to bullies..they get taken down. Watch China, we have been sold to her in a big way..How can we compete? How can we keep up..Lets stop being consumers, and be strong producers again, let the people be in control again, Not some large major corporation. They didn't build America, the people did. We help build corporations,, we need to control them.

Let Captial hill know who is in charge of this country..The American people are in Charge!
Not AIG, Not all those brokage houses, not pharmaceutical companies..get rid of the lobbyist. America is on drugs, and she needs a intervention from greed and corruption. If we don't change..we will wake up one day as a another country in our mist, It won't be America anymore.

This is for those who got the money, the bling, the latest thing. the million dollar home, the bluebloods who hide their dirty laundry in the closet..Well you know who you are. we know who you are, Those of you who sold the innocent America down the river, When you get sick, think about that nurse who is taking care of you. That technician who is handling your blood and urine. Your life is in their hands, If they can't afford to have healthcare then what do you think will happen to you..Well if you don't know, then maybe you should check into your local hospital to find out.

We need reform, Proper reform! We need Universal Healthcare.

K. Barton
